Our Programs


Typical Day

Our preschool program serves children ages 2.5-5 years. Schedules remain flexible to meet each child’s individual needs but follow a predictable patter of play and routines to provide a sense of continuity and security.

Daily Schedule – this is modified to meet needs of the classroom and the individual child

  • 8:40am - 9:10am: Check-in

  • 9:10am - 10:00am: Free choice

  • 10:00am - 10:15am: First Circle Time

  • 10:15am - 10:45am: Small Group Activity/ Free Choice

  • 10:45am - 10:50am: Handwashing and Snack Preparation

  • 10:50am - 11:20am: Snack Time

  • 11:20am - 11:50am: Outside/Large Motor Activities

  • 11:50am - 12:00pm: Second Circle/Departure


Extended Day

Our popular Extended Day  program is offered from 12:00 – 2:00 P.M. on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays for our ages 3-5 enrolled in morning classes. Children bring their own nutritious lunches and enjoy an afternoon of fun activities and friends while parents get a few extra hours in their week!

Typical Extended Day  Schedule

  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Inside Activities/ Muscle Room Time or Outside Play 

  • 1:00pm- 1:30pm: Rest Room Break, Handwashing and Lunch

  • 1:30pm - 1:50pm: Free Play/ Planned Activity

  • 1:50pm - 2:00pm: Story Time

  • 2:00pm: Dismissal

Music Program

Threes, Fours and Rising Fives program enjoy weekly music classes with Miss Mary. Children learn fundamental music concepts of rhythm, tempo, and tone through songs and rhythm instruments.

In addition to our weekly music experience, all classes attend three lunch-time classical concerts by the School House Symphony.

Chapel Services

On Thursday mornings, children attend chapel in the Indian Hill Church Sanctuary. Each chapel includes music, a Bible story and prayer. In the fall, the children learn stories from the Old Testament beginning with the creation story. In December, the children learn about the birth of Jesus. In the spring semester we learn stories from the New Testament. Chapel is led by Molly Milligan (Director of Children and Family Ministry at the Indian Hill Church). 


Friday Enrichment

Friday Enrichment meets every Friday from 9:00am – 12:00pm. During this course Teachers provide hands on experiences for children to discover various topics in our preschool curriculum. Any child between the ages of 4-5 years old, priority given to currently enrolled children. Friday Enrichment emphasizes a literacy based curriculum.

  • Read It Again! is designed to develop and strengthen young children’s early foundations in language and literacy.

  • Fosters children’s skills in highly important domains of language and literacy development.

  • Pre-literacy is the period of time before a child can read or write on their own. Children start developing pre-literacy skills as soon as they are born, and there is a lot of research that shows a strong pre-literacy foundation will lead to long-term success both in and out of school.

  • The program empasizes four domains of early language and literacy that will form a foundation in pre-literacy skills. These four domains are vocabulary, narrative, phonological awareness and print knowledge.

Naturalist Program

Taking advantage of our unique, natural setting, Melanie Elkin takes our 3s, 4s, and 5s classes each month.  Each 45 minute presentation includes a 15 minute indoor session followed by a 30 minute hike and exploration of our grounds.  Past topics have included:

  • Exploring Fall Foliage.

  • Let’s Talk Turkey.

  • Maple Sugaring.

  • Colors in the Snow.

  • Animal Adaptations, Salamaders, Slithering Snakes.

Melanie Elkin, former 4’s teacher,  joined the IHCNS staff in the mid 90’s. She has a passion for all things nature and is excited to delve into different natural processes and properties to help our students better understand the world around them. Mrs. Elkin loves to explore nature and share her knowledge with our students!